Imagineering Your Future
I run a thought experiment in my law school class during which I have the students imagine a series of prompts, and in each instance, notice their physiological response. Feel free to play...
Read MoreWhat’s in Your Future?
A bit more than a year ago, we were shutting down. Now we are sloooowly opening up. If like so many of us, you had to press pause this past year, is pause...
Read More“I can see clearly now, the rain is gone.”
Last week I wrote about boundaries, and one might argue that I left out the most important aspect of boundary setting: communication. Of course, when boundaries are externally facing, they need to be...
Read MoreFor an Excellent Life, Train Your Mind
“Your mind is the basis of everything you experience and of every contribution you make to the lives of others. Given this fact, it makes sense to train it.” Sam Harris, author of Waking Up I just...
Read MoreWe Can Do Better
This week I wrapped up my final law school class for the semester. Some of the things we did in class: Sang the chorus to a Backstreet Boys song released in 1999 Played...
Read MoreOverextended? Here’s a PSA from your Brain
This is a message for all of you cognitive athletes out there—thinking is hard work. But wait, you already knew that, because at the end of the day, you’re drained, and your mind...
Read MoreFor Stressed Out Law Students: Put Down the Phone. And Breathe. (An interview with
Judith Gordon spends her days counseling lawyers on how to avoid burnout and how to be strong leaders—one of a growing number of attorneys focusing on mental health and wellness in the profession....
Read MoreProductivity Pro Tips
What does productivity mean to you? Hours billed? Work out the door? Number of matters resolved? Is it enough that we’re meeting our deadlines, even if they’re taking a toll? One major benefit...
Read MoreResilience and The Lawyer’s Brain
You awake to a dozen or more new emails demanding immediate attention and you feel stressed before you’re even out of bed. That may translate into muscle tension, shallow breathing, a racing...
Read MoreWhat is Happiness and Where Do We Get Some?
We are obsessed with happiness. We listen to songs about it. We read books about it. We long for it. We revel in happy endings. The U.S. Constitution even guarantees our right to...
Read MoreFinding Joy at Work: Use Your Values as Your Map
For the past several years, our profession has seen a rise in attrition and a decline in satisfaction. Too many talented lawyers have walked away from the profession, believing it’s an all-or-nothing gig. Yet...
Read MoreReimagine Your Future
“Get busy living or get busy dying.” This line was delivered by the character Andy Dufresne in the classic film, The Shawshank Redemption. The question I often hear, and that I remember...
Read MoreSorry, not sorry!
We see and hear it often. Emails that begin with “Sorry for…”. Conversations peppered with “sorry, but …” I am very much in favor of a sincere apology when appropriate. I wrote one...
Read MoreMore EQ, Less Angst
It’s Thursday! How has your week been? Mine has been full of feelings. And for lawyers, feelings can be tricky. One thing our legal forebears didn’t yet know, is that we humans don’t...
Read MorePay Attention. Focus. How?
Our attention is being diverted in countless directions. Only it’s not the usual noise buzzing in the background. The issues are big and complicated and we’re feeling stuff. The problem with attention fragmentation isn’t...
Read MoreHow Not To Worry
“Worrying is like a rocking chair. It gives you something to do but gets you nowhere.” Beyond finding it amusing, this quote by Elizabeth Cady Stanton is one of my favorite because it...
Read More“Imposter!” said no one to you ever
“Imposter!” Said no one to you ever … Yet, we are plagued by nagging thoughts of self-doubt, inner criticism and imagined terrible possible outcomes. These unbidden thoughts are overprotective psychological constructs designed to...
Read MoreSilver linings
I saw this comic recently: A couple is passing a man standing on a sidewalk holding up a sign that says: THE END IS NEAR, in response to which one partner in the...
Read MoreThe Quest for Greater Surge Capacity
Since Covid-19 restrictions were put into place last March, I’ve been beyond thankful for the tools and strategies at my disposal for coping with adversity and sustaining resilience. That wealth of resources was...
Read MoreWhere is Your Energy Going?
When was your last energy audit? Yesterday? Last week? Never? Doing an energy audit means that we pay attention to our energy levels throughout the day and identify those activities that boost or...
Read MoreMaking Sense of Pizza in 2020
I saw this meme the other day: Once you understand why pizza is baked round, packed in a square box, and eaten as a triangle, then you will understand 2020. I thought about...
Read More“Kill it in the practice of law, without it killing you”
“Kill it in the practice of law, without it killing you” This is the proposition that each episode of the Iron Advocate, a podcast created by lawyers Robert Levant and Jeff Riebel, strives...
Read MoreFFTs and THANK YOU
Brene Brown said it best: 2020 was a year of FFTs (“effing first times”). If you haven’t heard her brief, yet insightful podcast episodes on FFTs, here are the links. Brene on FFTs...
Read MoreFuture Design
2020 tested our limits in myriad ways. Each time we thought that we’d reached our maximum, we found out that we could stretch a little more. We adapted to uncertainty. We turned fear...
Read MoreThe Lost Art of Imagination
I saw this on Twitter yesterday: “This tweet is officially permission for you to be less productive than usual, and to not feel guilty about it, and to instead focus your energy on...
Read MoreLooking Forward
“For there is always light, if only we’re brave enough to see it, If only we’re brave enough to be it.” As many of you undoubtedly heard, this is the closing line of...
Read MoreDitch the Pursuit of Happiness
I’m not saying ditch happiness. I’m suggesting that we ditch the pursuit of happiness, which I believe causes us distress for two reasons. First, being in pursuit means that we’re chasing something...
Read MoreSoapbox Edition
Oliver Wendall Holmes, and others of his era who regarded law as a science, would disagree with this post. Here’s why. I regard emotional intelligence skills training as essential training for lawyers. In...
Read MoreHow to Feel Good, Even When You Don’t
Talk of gratitude and its benefits are everywhere these days. And we need it. There’s plenty of scientific evidence that gratitude enhances mood, reduces stress and depression, strengthens relationships, improves immunity and physical...
Read MoreWhat’s Your Humor Style? (And why you should care)
If you agree that we need more levity in law practice, raise your hand. No one I know went to law school to be unhappy in the legal profession. And research agrees. Students...
Read MoreSanity Savers
Next week will mark one year since we began living in a world under conditions we hadn’t experienced in our lifetimes. Many of us went from working in offices to working from home,...
Read MoreIt’s been one year. Let’s talk resilience.
It’s been one year, and what a year it’s been. We’ve likely heard more about resilience in the past year than we imagined we’d hear in a lifetime. What is resilience, really?...
Read MorePandemic Productivity Blues
Who needs a productivity boost? Yesterday, I was alert and engaged. Today, my energy is lagging. Many of us continue to work from home, and are finding it extremely difficult to be productive;...
Read MoreMy #1 Go-To Resilience Strategy
I came across this quote the other day: “I know I’m on the right path because things stopped being easy.” To say that 2020 “stopped being easy” is an understatement. In my view,...
Read MoreWarning: Mnemonic Ahead
Warning: this blog post has undertones of law school. Mnemonic ahead: B.R.E.A.T.H.E. Personally, I was never a huge fan of mnemonics. I felt they added more work than necessary to the already burdensome...
Read MoreTwo Steps to Less Stress, More Immunity
The competing demands for our attention continue to rise, and for most of us, that’s a stress factory. When we’re feeling fragmented, or our attention is divided, our stress levels rise. This can...
Read MoreA Light and Easy Technology-Cleanse Challenge
Have you noticed it, too? You’ve been working from home. No commute required. Casual Friday every day. More scheduling flexibility. Yet, you feel mentally drained, physically exhausted, and possibly even burned out. What’s...
Read MoreIs Anybody Listening?
This post is a little longer than usual, so hear me out (pun intended, groaning anticipated). Listening is fundamental to our personal health and wellbeing, integral to our relational human experience, and necessary...
Read MoreMarshaling Mental Agility
I’ve benefited from the many voices sharing their thoughts and experiences, and it’s become clear that being in a new, never-before-experienced situation means bringing agile thinking to the circumstances. We are being forced...
Read MoreCould Laughter Save Your Life?
To laugh during a pandemic is doubly important. Laughter not only relieves anxiety, it boosts immunity, big time. How do we know? We all love a good story, so here’s the story of a man...
Read MoreAwe and Wonder
We lawyers spend a good deal of our time in our heads, thinking–and worrying–about the work on our desks, and the time we don’t have, and the “what-ifs,” and the “if-onlys,” yet when...
Read MoreWhat is Thriving Anyway?
What is THRIVING anyway? And why a Center for Thriving in Law? I’m going to take a circular path to answer those two questions. I don’t need to tell you that law is...
Read MoreHaving a Winning Legal Mindset: An Interview with Judith Gordon
Law is a high-intensity, high-demand profession. If you’re a lawyer or legal professional, chances are high that you’re pretty stressed, often overwhelmed, and could use some tools and strategies to help you work...
I like to say that I work with the willing. My clients are motivated, life-long learners. Together, we build on all that you know and enhance your strengths to get you where you want to go. Your commitment to continual improvement is the first step toward achieving a next-level, professional presence.
My clients are life-long learners who want to grow professionally, excel, improve their relationships, meaningfully contribute, have impact, lead better, and make their own mark in their industries
My work is grounded in emotional intelligence, neurobiology, and behavioral science. I guide clients toward a deeper understanding of the many influences working behind the scenes that can sabotage our growth even when we have the best of intentions. We uncover beliefs that may be impeding you along with those that support you, and with that awareness, design a way forward. You gain skills, tools and strategies that can be used immediately to elevate satisfaction, innovate, and level-up your life.